About Us

PARC: About Us

Mission RSD Support Groups PARC Membership Services Letter to 60 Minutes How To Contact Us


Support, educate and inform persons with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), their families, friends, the community and the medical professionals treating RSD, about the utmost importance of early diagnosis and treatment of RSD.

PARC is a non-profit organization. Our objects are:

a) to educate the public and health care community about Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) otherwise known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) and the needs of persons with RSD (CRPS) by collecting and disseminating information on the topic;

b) to provide support, encouragement and other support services to assist persons living with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy otherwise known as CRPS

c) to fund research into the causes, controls, treatments and cures for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy otherwise known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome


RSD/CRPS is not well recognized in Canada. Even though some doctors are now diagnosing RSD sooner, many patients aren't seen soon enough during the six month window when there is an 85% success rate.Others are diagnosed and do not receive the proper treatment.Why? In medical school, CRPS is not taught. By better educating the medical community on this rare disease, we hope that every newly diagnosed patient will be able to have successful treatment.

In RSD, "early diagnosis brings the best prognosis." How does this happen? It begins with promoting awareness in the medical community about how to recognize and diagnose RSD/CRPS. For family doctors it is very important to be able to recognize early symptoms of the syndrome in order that they can make a quick referral to an RSD specialist. For doctors in various specialties, it is essential that they not only diagnose RSD in a timely manner, but also provide prompt access to treatment within the first six months.


The benefits of a support group are:

  • We could not give medical advice but serve as a resource for patients with questions about doctors, treatments, and your concerns.
  • In addition, many of us have advice to offer about how to cope with RSD on a daily basis. Providing emotional support for members and their families is so very important.
  • We could also provide current information on RSD through local speakers who visit the group e.g.. doctors, PTs, alternative practitioners, etc.
  • By attending the group, we hope that each member will become better informed about the disease, its diagnosis and treatments.
  • A better understanding of what RSD is, also leads to patients taking a more active role in their own treatment plan. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. When you have the knowledge about RSD, you are able to understand and participate in your treatment plan.



If you are interested in joining an RSD group in the London area, please contact Tony. Special thanks to Tony McPhee and Pam A. who are forming this group.

Tel: (519) 435-0439 or rsdmcphee@sympatico.ca


If you are interested in forming a support group anywhere in Ontario, we can provide you with advice and a starter package of information and contacts. If you are interested, please contact us.



For signing up as a PARC member, you will receive via regular post, a free personalized bookmark hand lettered with beautiful calligraphy on original decorated paper. Each bookmark is designed to be unique and will be inscribed with your name.

Membership services include:

  • EMail/PENPAL Service



"My friends don't understand" is a comment often heard by us. Having someone who truly understands what it is like to cope with RSD, is very comforting and reassuring. PARC can provide you with an E-PAL. You must have access to a computer with an EMail address. Penpal services are also offered through the newsletter.


We maintain a mailing list of people who have RSD (or anyone with an interest). The list keeps everyone updated on the latest happenings in the RSD field. It is called PARC PEARL ALERT. (NOTE: This is NOT a listserv NOR a newsletter.) This list will update you between newsletter issues. You will automatically be added to the list, if you become a member. It is only available through EMail so you will need access to a computer and an EMail address.
For those without a computer, you may use the Internet at your local public library (usually at no cost) to receive our free PARC PEARL ALERT. You can receive a free EMail account through http://www.hotmail.com or http://www.yahoo.com. Contact us for details.


Beginning in the fall, the PARC PEARL will be published four times a year. Topics will include latest news, alternative methods, latest research, articles from professionals, coping techniques, pain, resources, citations, references, conferences, and much more.

Contributions from members or non-members are most welcome. You may send your ideas and letters to us. All letters gratefully received.

Members receive complimentary newsletters with their membership fee.

For a sample of the PARC PEARL, click here


Included in your membership, we offer a reference service which will include a question about RSD (one question per person). e.g. Does CRPS spread? Our reply would be exactly where you could find proof of this in the latest literature. This query takes a great deal of time to search. Please allow a reasonable time for an Email response(one week minimum). NOTE: No medical advice will be given.


Members will receive a 15% discount on registration fees for RSD Conferences presented by PARC in Canada.


For all these services, the cost for membership is ONLY $35 per year in Canadian dollars. USA rate is $25 USD (in US Dollars). International rates available on request.

If you are interested in becoming a member of PARC, please do the following two things:

1. Send your name, full address and postal/zip code to: rsdinfo@becon.org
2. Please send your cheque or money order (no credit cards please) to us at:

PO Box 21026 St. Catharines, Ontario
Canada L2M 7X2


NOTE: This letter was written to request a program on RSD in an effort to bring public awareness and to inform the medical community. To date, the letter has remained unanswered.

Dear Friends,

In an effort to bring about more public awareness and educate health professionals about Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), I am writing your organization this letter.RSD is a disabling, devastating disease that can rob patients of their ability to function as a result of severe pain. If caught early, RSD responds well to treatment. If not, patients are left with intense pain, impaired motor function ie. tremors or dystonia; sympathetic nervous system dysfunction ie. cold extremity, color changes, swelling; dystrophic skin changes and sensory changes ie. evoked pain. Severe and disabling pain is the hallmark of this disease.

Little is known about how to diagnose and treat RSD properly. Due to this lack of knowledge, by the time the patient is diagnosed, it is too late and he does not respond well to treatment. In addition, due to ignorance of proper treatments, many patients suffer needlessly and become worse. Even those treatments that are recommended for RSD can make one patient improve, but can make another worse.

Another hallmark of this disease is its ability to spread from limb to limb. As a result, some patients have total body RSD and are severely incapacitated. Late in the course of the disease, treatment is ineffective and patients must deal with chronic, intense pain.There is a tremendous lack of knowledge about RSD even among medical professionals. Many doctors think RSD does not exist.. My concern is that if a doctor does not think it exists, isn't he endangering the patient? Isn't the most important rule of medicine to "do no harm"? RSD left untreated runs rampant, spreads and becomes worse. When the pain becomes sympathetically independent, involving the CNS (central nervous system), RSD becomes very difficult to treat and does not respond to conventional analgesics and treatments. If a doctor hasn't heard of RSD (CRPS), why are many labs around the world in Holland, Switzerland, Sweden, Canada and the USA including NIH, studying ways to unravel the mysteries of this devastating disease. Progress is being made, it is slow but there is hope.

Let me ask you some questions. Would you, as a patient, want to be told that it is all in your head? Would you, want to be told that your disease does not exist? Would you, as a patient, want the best treatment and diagnosis you could obtain in the medical system? Would you want to discover that you were misdiagnosed and left untreated, when treatments could have improved or cured your condition? Just put yourself in the shoes of any patient who has RSD.

Even those who are fortunate to be diagnosed and treated by a knowledgeable physician, are often not provided with enough psychological support to cope with this painful, debilitating disease. Support is truly needed because at present, there is no cure for RSD.

As a result, many live without hope, in depression, anxiety, anger and fear. Pain and depression result in more anger or anxiety. It becomes a vicious circle of pain, depression and anger. Thus, this disease can not only rob a person of their ability to function in daily life due to physical limitations but also psychological problems resulting from chronic pain. Many are in wheelchairs, walk with canes but all are disabled due to the intensity of the pain they must try to cope with each day.

Chronic pain affects every part of an RSD patient's life; his spouse, family, his friends and all his relationships. Not only is the disease difficult to live and cope with, but patients must deal with uninformed, ignorant insurance companies, legal issues due to the fact that SD is not yet recognized fully, and quite often, lengthy, costly court cases. These situations are difficult enough for an average person without RSD, to handle. Add chronic pain to this list and it becomes quite unbearable.

Having given the overall picture of this disease, I urge you to investigate it with your usual thoroughness and devote a program to educating everyone about RSD. It is only through education that we can stop improper diagnosis and treatment. We can make the public aware that it must be treated as soon as possible because if caught in the early stages of the disease, does RSD respond well to treatment and can sometimes be reversed. If not, the patient runs the risk of not only having RSD long term but having a lifetime of pain.

A good doctor is a treasure but an uninformed doctor is dangerous. We would like to make each doctor that treats RSD a treasure.




We are on Eastern Standard Time (E.S.T.)
Please be so kind as to observe our hours. Thank you.
Tel: (905)934 0261
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