"The secret of longevity is to get a chronic disease
and take care of it". Sir William Osler
While this concept may seem strange, once you
are diagnosed with RSD, taking care of yourself is the logical
and responsible thing to do. Taking responsibility for helping
yourself can be done in many ways. Doctors can provide the medications
and treatments but the rest is up to you. Here are some alternative
treatments that have been used by RSD patients.
We caution you that what helps one, may not necessarily
help another person. However, the only way to find out is through
trial and error. Keep a journal and be a good detective to find
what works best for you.
Develop a list of things that work for you.
helps with balance, flexibility, strength, cardiovascular conditioning
and regaining muscle mass.It is the most important element in
treating CRPS and remains "the cornerstone of effective treatment."
program or "AQUA THERAPY"
(in 92-93F water) both avoid weight bearing on the affected limb.
B) Moist Heat: Several methods can help: e.g..
warm bath, exercising in a whirlpool, and Epsom salts (magnesium
sulfate) soaks. The salts reduce swelling and inflammation. Generally,
try 2 cups in a warm bath, soaking for 30-45" two or three
times a day. For those unable to use a bathtub, soak the extremity
in a large pail or make an epsom salt paste for specific areas
of the body.
C) Massage:
There are many types e.g.Manual Lymph Drainage(MLD) aka Lymphatic
Massage.Techniques are designed to stimulate the lymphatics and
calm the nervous system without stimulating blood flow. MLD can
help lymphedema, a common problem in CRPS.
For an MLD therapist in Ontario please call the Referral Service
1 800 668 2022 Ontario Massage Therapists Association or visit
Vodder Massage is MLD plus Decongestive Therapy for lymphedema.
Please contact the Vodder School Tel: 250 598 9862 or visit
For further information please see PARC PEARL Sept. 2002 issue.
Click here.
Other types of massage are Swedish,Esalen, Rolfing and Feldenkrais.
D) Acupuncture/Acupressure: a series of treatments
to control pain using wafer thin needles.Please see the Sept.
2002 issue of the PARC PEARL for details. Click
E) Podiatry: e.g.. orthotics for better walking
and posture.
F) Chiropraxy: Please see Alternative
Treatment Options for RSD" by Dr. David Leprich D.C.
G) Herbal Medicines: can be administered and
monitored by a qualified naturopath. Please see Naturopathic
H) Antioxidants and Nutritional Supplements:
to strengthen the immune system can be given by a qualified naturopath.
Please see Naturopathic Medicine
I) Photonic Stimulator:
a infrared light device stimulates acupuncture points in the body.
Please see our Photon and Dr Pollett files.
J) Naturopathic Medicine: Using
herbs, nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, physical medicine and
Oriental Medicine can be helpful.
Recent studies with CRPS patients show Qi Gong can play an effective
role in pain management.
L) RELAXATION TECHNIQUES : Using specific training
methods learned from a psychologist, this method can be effective
in pain control.
M) OTHER TOOLS: Other methods which may help
with pain control are guided imagery,Tai Chi, biofeedback and
meditation. Please see our PARC
PEARL page for details.

What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic medicine is a type of medicine dedicated to improving
health and treating illness. Using natural substances and treatments,
the naturopathic doctor (ND) treats the person with focus on prevention.
The naturopath believes that the body has a vital force which
can help heal itself and also defend itself against disease. The
main goal of treatment is to find the cause of the illness rather
than to treat or suppress the symptoms patient's mental, physical,
emotional and spiritual states are carefully considered when diagnosing
and treating. The main therapies used are: clinical nutrition,
botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, acupuncture and Oriental
medicine, physical therapies and counselling personal treatment
plan is developed which helps begin the healing process.
What Treatments are used?
CLINICAL NUTRITION: The relationship between
diet and health is carefully administrated may include a special
diet, vitamins, minerals enzymes or other supplements.
from around the world are utilized for their healing effects and
nutritional value
HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE: The concept of like cures
like; is used in homeopathic medicine developed by Hahnemann in
the early 1800's.Minute amounts of natural substances are used
to stimulate the body's self-healing process.
PHYSICAL MEDICINE: Many techniques for the spine,
joints and soft tissues are used. This treatment may also include
hydrotherapy, and use of heat and cold, light, massage and ultrasound.
medicine uses acupuncture and Oriental herbs. The body's energy
(Chi) must be balanced through meridian pathways.
LIFESTYLE COUNSELLING: Physical, emotional,nutritional
and environmental factors affect health. Good lifestyle choices
are suggested by an ND.
Is naturopathic medicine safe?
Natural remedies and substances are non-toxic and derived from
natural sources. They are gentle and non-invasive. Side effects
are rare and ND's are aware of contraindications between naturopathic
remedies and conventional medicines.In Canada, a naturopath is
a person with a university degree in pre-medicine, and four years
of specialized training at a recognized college of naturopathic
medicine. Courses include basic medical sciences, naturopathic
principles and therapeutics, and 1500 hours of supervised clinical
The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine is located in Toronto
and ND's are regulated in Ontario. Graduates must also pass strict
exams in order to qualify for practice.Graduates receive a Doctor
of Naturopathic Medicine(ND) degree.
What does a naturopath do?
The aim of the first visit is to get to know the patient: it
usually consists of an in-depth analysis of all the body systems
and to get to know your mental, emotional and physical state.
A detailed case taking of genetic history, body type, and present
status of all mental, physical and emotional symptoms. A return
appointment of usually half an hour is for discussing the results
of the analysis and recommending various medicines or treatments
which are very highly individualized.A single method or combination
of approaches may be used. ND's work with other health care professionals
for the benefit of the patients. They refer patients to medical
doctors,chiropractors, massage therapists and midwives.
How can I find a qualified naturopath?
The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine has stringent admission
requirements. Students must have premedicine undergraduate course
work similar to medical school. The first two years are basic
medical science and years three and four are clinical training
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
1255 Sheppard Ave. E.,
North York, Ontario M2K 1E2
Tel: 416-498-1255
Fax: 416-498-3197
Clinic: 416-498-9763
Web site:
The Schad Naturopathic Clinic has fourth year interns who, under
the supervision of licensed ND's, provide treatments. The Clinic
is open six days a week and fees are reasonable.The College also
has a referral service to provide you with a qualified naturopath
in your area. Tel: 1 877 628 7284
Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors Tel: (416) 233 2001
Hours: 8AM-1PM.
Jane Lauermeier, B.ArtsSc. ND, 12 Secord Drive, St. Catharines,
Ontario L2N 1K8 Tel: (905) 935 6460
Wayne Chindemi ND DC, Vineland Homeopathic Center, 3911 Victoria
Ave., Vineland, Ontario L0R 2C0 Tel: (905) 562 3636

Is homeopathic medicine different?
Homeopathic medicine is one of the modalities
that ND's use in a total treatment program. A homeopathic practitioner
only uses Homeopathy, ND's are trained in homeopathy as part
of their four year college training and are tested for licensing
Has homeopathy been around long?
"Nature uses as little as possible of anything".(Johannes
Homeopathy was founded in the early 1800's by
Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician who was dissatisfied with
the medical system of his time. When one of his children became
very ill, conventional medicine could do nothing for her. While
translating a text on quinine, the author claimed that it cured
intermittent fever (malaria).
Hahnemann decided to test it on himself. Although
he was healthy, he took the quinine and developed the symptoms
of malaria and when he discontinued it, the symptoms stopped.
He deduced that malaria was not cured by quinine but by the
fact that the drug produced the symptoms of malaria in a healthy
person. By the end of the 19th century, 600 new medicines had
been tested and added to the homeopathic pharmacy.
Why have I never heard of homeopathy?
The development of conventional drugs such as
antibiotics and painkillers, overshadowed the popularity of
homeopathy. By the 1950's homeopathy had fallen out of vogue.
Today, homeopathy is alive and well in Europe, Asia, and India.
The Queen of England and Prince Charles are staunch supporters.
There area over 100,000 homeopathic doctors in India. In France,
it is the leading alternative therapy at 36%.
What is the law of similars?
Homeopathy comes from the Greek word "homoios"
(similar) and pathos means suffering or sickness.Homeopathic
medicine is based on the law of similars--meaning that "like
cures like". The law states that "a remedy can cure
a disease if it produces in a healthy person, symptoms similar
to that of the disease". What does this mean? The symptoms
that a substance causes in large doses, it can heal when given
in minute doses. However, wouldn't you think that giving a dose
of something that creates symptoms similar to what the person's
symptoms are, would make things worse and not heal them?
Think of it as the body having a set of symptoms
and the medicine creating the same set of symptoms. Since two
identical diseases cannot exist in the body, the body drives
them out. Another way to think of it is like a vaccine, which
in small doses helps the body's defense system to desensitize
the person to larger doses.For example, the flu vaccine is given
in a small amount so that the immune system will fight it off.
Later if the person gets the flu, the body's immune system will
drive it out.
Symptoms in the body are ways that the body adapts
and defends against infection or stress. So using small doses
of whatever causes symptoms similar to those that sick people
have, will help strengthen their defenses.
What symptoms does the body use? One is fever
which creates an internal environment so hot that the bacteria
and/or virus cannot survive or multiply. The fever tries to
defend the body against infection. Using small doses of substances
that can cause similar symptoms of fever that the sick person
has, will help the fever resolve more quickly.e.g.. Belladonnna
(deadly nightshade) causes fever in HIGH doses but in SMALL
doses helps heal the body.
Why use homeopathy?
How would you like inexpensive, effective, natural
remedies that are safe and without side effects? This is possible
with homeopathy. It is a system that uses natural remedies made
from animal, vegetable and mineral sources.Prepared in minute
doses, they are non-toxic.

Think of chronic diseases as earthquakes. An earthquake
will occur on a previous underlying fault. They happen as a result
of stresses underneath the earth's surface. They can also occur
from pressure from stress near or far away.
Chronic disease can be traced back to a "predisposition"
that a person has. Some diseases may have already occurred and
some may be due to genetics. Some chronic diseases may be hidden
inside the person and only appear under much stress.Other diseases
are due to minor stress. Therefore chronic disease does not magically
appear but is there due to genetic predisposition or takes many
years to develop. This explains why a person with a chronic disease
looks healthy but may be on the verge of a serious disease or
possibly death. Conversely, a person who looks ill and may have
a chronic disease, could take care of it into old age. The chronic
symptoms are a way of venting to prevent a larger problem later
Acute care refers to finding a remedy for the present
symptoms. e.g.. a cold. flu. sprain etc. For someone with a chronic
disease, constitutional care can be very effective. Constitutional
care is the treatment of the person's symptoms then and now.
After analyzing in great detail, the person's symptoms,
genetic history, health history, body type and physical, mental
and emotional symptoms, the naturopath finds one remedy that fits
the totality of the symptoms.
This process requires a trained professional, skilled
at finding just the right remedy from over 500 possibilities.
Constitutional care can result in a healing response by the body,
and it can strengthen the defense system of the body.
It can help the body continue the healing process
over time. There can be a reduction of pain and discomfort. The
overall mental, physical and emotional symptoms improve overtime.
It is a gentle medicine that requires time to heal however, IT
IS NOT AN INSTANT CURE. General improvement happens over time
and the longer you have the disease, the longer it takes to recover.
People with RSD have a myriad of symptoms. RSD is
a syndrome that affects everyone differently. Some cannot tolerate
cold, while others cannot tolerate heat. Others can tolerate vibrations
while others are disturbed by noise.
Homeopathy is "designer medicine" which
fine tunes itself to the particular and peculiar symptoms of the
individual. It helps alleviate those symptoms. For those with
chronic RSD, taking care of your body can result in living a longer
life. Those with RSD have a difficult time healing even from the
smallest cut or bruise. Over time, constitutional care can facilitate
the natural healing process in the body.
While it is recognized that this treatment may not
help everyone, homeopathy is highly individualized medicine and
under the competent, professional care of a naturopath that is
willing to work with you, it can help a great deal.
It will certainly make the day to day living with
RSD, easier to deal with. Since stress aggravates RSD, reducing
stress is a priority.
Easing, then eliminating certain symptoms is the
beginning. How we feel and think affects our bodies. Helping ourselves
is the first step.
A great deal of training, skill and experience is
required to become a competent naturopath. To visit the health
food store and buy a remedy is just "cookbook medicine".
Since it is very individualized medicine, it requires patience,
knowledge and infinite skill to find the correct treatment from
over 500 remedies. Again, what works for one, does not necessarily
work for another. It is similar to RSD: what works for some, does
not apply to others.
Does this mean one should abandon conventional medicine?
Of course not. One method can complement the other--you can have
the best of both worlds. Homeopathy works with most drugs but
know that certain substances antidote the remedy e.g.. coffee,
camphor products, dental work, antibiotics or steroids.
Like conventional medicine, homeopathy has its limitations.
It cannot be everything to everybody. However, it is a safe, effective,
natural medicine that deserves consideration by someone with a
chronic disease.
For further information, contact the Canadian
College of Naturopathic Medicine.

General Homeopathy
- Bruning, N.and Weinstein, C. Healing Homeopathic Remedies
New York Dell 1995
- Buegel Dale et al Homeopathic Remedies for Health Professionals
and Laypeople Honesdale PA Himalayan 1991
- Castro, Miranda The Complete Homeopathy Book New York: St,
Martin's 1990
- Cook, Trevor Homeopathic Medicine Today Canaan:Keats, 1989.
- Cummings. S. and Ullman Dana Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic
Medicines Los Angeles:Tarcher, 1991.
- Grossinger R. Homeopathy: An Introduction for Beginners and
Skeptics Berkley: North Atlantic. 1993.
- Kruzel, Thomas, Homeopathic Emergency Guide Berkley: North
Atlantic 1992.
- Lockie, Andrew The Family Guide to Homeopathy New York: Fireside,
- Panos M and Heimlich J. Homeopathic Medicine at Home J P Tarcher,
Inc. 1980 ISBN 0-87477-195-1
- Ullman, Dana Discovering Homeopathy Berkley: North Atlantic,
- Ullman, Dana. The Complete Guide to Homeopathy New York: Tarcher
- Whitmont, Edward C. The Alchemy of Healing Berkley: North
Atlantic, 1993.
