- Harden, R. Baron, R. W. Janig Seattle ISP Press 2001 CRPS
Progress in Pain Research and Management Vol. 22 ISBN
0-931092-41-8 Latest research updates.
- Hooshmand, H. MD Chronic Pain: RSD Prevention and Management
CRC Press, 2000 Corporate Blvd. Boca Raton, FL ISBN #
0-8493-8667-5 Tel: 1 800 272 7737 It is one of the most comprehensive
book on CRPS today.
- Perez, S.G.M. MD CRPS-1 A Randomized controlled
study into the effects of two free radical scavengers Thesis:
Vrije Univ. Medical Center Amsterdam ISBN 90_9015456-6 c.2001
Stanton-Hicks, M. MD Reflex Sympathetic
Dystrophy Kluwer Acad, Grp. 1989 ISBN #0-7923-0527-2
(May be out of print).
Stanton Hicks, M. MD. RSD: A Reappraisal
IASP Press, 909 NE 43rd St., Ste. 306, Seattle WA 98105 1996
ISBN #0-7923-0572-0
van der Laan, L. MD PhD Pathophysiological
Mechanisms of Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: A clinical and experimental
study Print Partners Ipskamp ISBN 90-9012256-7
Veldman, P. MD Clinical Aspects of
RSD (Thesis) ISBN # 90-9007712
- Caudill, Margaret MD Managing Pain Before It Manages
You ISBN# 0-89862-224-7 Revised Edition ISBN 1-57230-718-8
- Chino & Davis Drs. Validate Your Pain Health
Access Press, 2445 River Tree Circle, Sandford FL or visit
- Donoghue, M. Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired
WW Norton Press, Inc.ISBN # 0-393-3311-54-6 Visit:
- Eschelman David and McKay, Oakland. The Relaxation
and Stress Reduction Workbook New Harbinger Publishers
- Fishman, Scott MD The War on Pain Harper Collins
2000 ISBN 0-06-019297-6(HC) Excellent explanations about how we
perceive, measure and experience pain in clear, concise terms.
- Furman, Richard MD The Intimate Husband Random
House Publishers, Eugene Oregon 97402.
- Jackson, Marni. Pain: The Fifth Vital Sign 2002
- Koestler, A. Myers A. Understanding Chronic Pain University
Press Mississippi 2002 ISBN 57806-440-6
- Kron, Audrey Living with Chronic Illness Audrey
Kron, 7466 Pebble Lane. West Bloomfield, MI USA 48322 Price: $16.00
+ $3.00 p&h
- Mailis, A. MD and Israelson, D. Beyond Pain: Making
the Mind-Body Connection Viking 2003 ISBN 0670043702
- Mohr, Ellen The Chronic Pain Control Workbook New
Harbinger Publ. 1987 ISBN # 1-57224-050-4
- Pollin, Irene Taking Charge: Overcoming the Challenges
of Longterm Illness Susan Gollant Random House ISBN 081
- Senneff, John Numb Toes and Aching Soles MedPress
BO Box 691546 San Antonio TX USA 78269 Visit:
- Stimmel Barry Pain and Its Relief Without Addiction:
Clinical Issues in the Use of Opiods and Other Analgesics Haworth
Medical Press 2nd Edition Binding:Paperback May 1997 ISBN # 0789001268.
- Wall, Patrick Pain: The Science of Suffering Columbia
University Press 2002 ISBN 0-231-120079 Considered one of the
best pain books written to date.
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